Pfitz, who's Pfitz?
Oh yeah, he's the guy with the marathon training plans right out of Dachau. I really tried to do Pfitz (I was looking at his 18/55 plan), but it was just too much too soon for me.
While I've been floundering the last 6 or seven weeks, I realized that I have two problems: I have pretty much been just running slow runs since my Half Marathon and I have been a slave to the "long run must occur on the weekend" theory.
Well this week I was able to tackle both issues. I ran my long run on Tuesday. As a Pastor, the weekends tend to be a little busy. Working up to the Half Marathon, I could get away with squeezing in the long runs on weekends, but it's just not an option right now.
I also really missed speed and tempo work. Thursday, I went out to the High School track and after warming up, I knocked out 6 X 800's--they felt great. I think I really needed to step on the gas and blow the gunk out.
What does all this mean for a training plan? It means I'm going to follow the F.I.R.S.T. plan for a first marathon. That would be the Furman Institute For Scientific Training. Here's what I love about FIRST: Just three: "Key Runs" a week--an interval, a tempo, and a long run. In between these you are supposed to do two XT days--this week I worked in a 7 mile mountain bike ride and the other was a easy two-mile run.
You can also do these key runs in whatever order works for you. So this week, I did 3, 1, 2.
7 miles tomorrow with 5 at tempo pace.
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