Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring, Snow and Mountain Lions

Today was my first run of Spring! 

Unfortunately, "Spring" in Northern California this year looks a lot like torrential rain turning to snow at higher elevations.  I was looking forward to a nice trail run this morning, so I headed out to Paradise Lake.  The trail there is a nice rolling trail that follows the shoreline of our beautiful lake.  It is a 9.3 mile out and back trail.

Today, it was about 90% covered in snow and the rest was puddles.  I dressed for rain and off I went.  Nothing fast or fancy through the snow and mud, but just a nice natural pace, mostly 10-11min/miles. 

On the far part of the trail, I started to see some traccks in the snow.  Mountain Lion tracks to be exact.  At first it was one solitary cat with BIG feet...3-4" across.  I lost his track, but later picked up a smaller adult cat's print with a cub along side.  Momma and cub, I'm guessing.

What do you think the lions think of me running by in the rain?  FAST FOOD.

Actually, I'm not that fast. 

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