Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Welcome to the Freak Show

Climb Aboard Explorers! 

Today I officially started my marathon training program.  Yes, I know you're envious--18 weeks of lactate threshold increasing, V02max building, endurance escalating, limit pushing fun.  My plan--largely based on Pfitzinger's 18/55 plan which is 18 weeks building weekly mileage to 55 miles. 

To be fair, the plan is also authored by Scott Douglas, but everyone just refers to it as a Pfitzinger plan, or Pfitz for short.  Sorry Scott.

Today's workout--an 8 mile run with 4 miles at Lactate Threshold pace.  For me that works out to a pace between 8:53 and 9:10 (Heart rate 148 - 165).  So, I set the alarm for 5:30 and away we go with a zoom!
I couldn't sneak out the door without waking the dogs, so they got to come for the first mile and a half.  Then I dropped them off and went out for more.  I pushed up near LT pace, but because it was uphill, my HR was already there so two miles of LT.  After that, I realized that I needed to add a little to my route, so I explored some new ground.  I found a trail that went along the Magalia Reservoir--this turned out to be a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride of a trail, so I had to go a little slower for the two miles of trail.  Finished up with two more at LT pace. 

Viola!  First day of training in the books.  To bolster my legendary fame and running prowess, I am counting the half marathon training as part of my total training bragging rights for the marathon.  That puts me at 318 miles down, approximately 800 to go.

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