Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bring on the Snow!

Batten down the hatches!  They are predicting a big storm for the west coast.  Here in Paradise we are expecting 10-14 inches.  Last week we got 7 inches, but I was so busy with snow removal that I didn't really get to play in it.

This time, I am hoping to get in a little play time.  Here's the plan:  if the weather guys are wrong and it's only a couple of inches, I'm going for a nice tempo run in the fresh snow.  If they are right and we get burried, then I'm either going to break out the cross-country skis or snowshoes.  I don't have access to a treadmill, so this will have to suffice for my Friday workout tomorrow.

Now I know that compared to the rest of the country this winter, 10-14 inches in nothing.  But here in Northern California we're more easily impressed.  So, the firewood stack is replenished, the snow blade is on the John Deere and the kid in me says YIPPEE!

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